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Parking » Student Parking

Student Parking

Parents and Students of Bingham High School, 


Parking space at Bingham High is a limited resource. "Parking in the parking lot is a privilege, a parking permit does not guarantee you a parking spot." Bingham High School will issue parking permits first to Seniors, then to a limited number of Juniors via lottery. 


Sophomore students are not eligible for a parking permit or allowed to park anywhere on campus. 


Issuing parking permits will follow this order: Seniors-Only, Lottery Drawing, Wait List


Seniors-Only - JULY 15 – AUGUST 09 

Parking permit applications for Seniors will be limited from July 15 through August 09, 2024. Permit applications are done on our school website at → Resources → Parking→ Scan QR code. Bring a valid driver’s license, a parking permit agreement signed by a parent/guardian, and payment on Senior Picture Day (August 05) to pick up the parking permit. Refer to the permit purchase requirements listed below.


Lottery Drawing Registration for Juniors - JULY 22 – AUGUST 09 

Beginning Monday, July 22 through Friday, August 09, 2024, Juniors may register for the Lottery Drawing by scanning the QR code on the school website at → Resources → Parking→ Scan QR code. The remaining parking permits will be issued after the Senior-Only Window closes. At 1:00 PM August 09, the Lottery Drawing registration will close in preparation for the Lottery Drawing at 2:00 PM that same day.


Each Junior that registers for the lottery drawing will receive a unique sequential ID number (UID), beginning with the number 1. Since the Lottery Drawing is a randomized selection process, the order of registration is completely irrelevant. Students registering earlier will have no advantage over students registering up until 1pm on August 09. Once the registration window for the lottery drawing closes, the list of registrants will be randomized before the drawing.  


At 2:00 PM on August 09, one UID will be selected from the top of that randomized list and contacted to inform them that they have been selected to purchase a parking permit and the process of selection continues with each subsequent UID following. This process will continue until the number of remaining parking permits has been sold. Please note that the number of remaining parking permits depends upon how many are available after the senior's purchasing window (2pm August 09) has closed.  Students randomly selected via the lottery will be given the option to purchase a parking permit from August 12 through 2 pm on August 23, 2024. Refer to the permit purchase requirements listed below.


Lottery Example: 500 Juniors registered for the lottery, receiving UIDs 1- 500. On August 09 it was determined that 300 parking permits remain unsold. A list of registrants from 1-500 is then randomized following the closing of the Senior-Only window on AUGUST 09 at 1:00 PM. From the randomized list of registrants, Juniors are selected until the remaining 300 parking permits are sold. The remaining 200 registrants will stay on the list and as parking permits become available, they will be notified.    


UNCLAIMED PERMITS: Qualifying students who do not purchase their permits before the August 23rd, 2:00 PM deadline will have their UID voided and must re-apply to be added to the end of the Wait-List. 



On August 26, 2024, any subsequent student desiring to purchase a permit will be added to the END of the waitlist in the order in which they applied. All students who did not register for or missed the deadline for the lottery phase, but would like to purchase a parking permit will be placed on this waitlist. We will begin from the top of the waitlist once we have exhausted the entire randomized lottery list.  


Permit Purchase Requirements 

Everyone wishing to obtain a parking permit must have ALL the following in their possession to purchase: 


  • Complete parking permit application (Scan QR code)


  • A parking permit agreement with the parent's signature completed in advance (see attached form below) 


  • A valid driver’s license for the student driver applying for the permit must be shown at the time of permit purchase; 


  • A license plate number or temporary license number for ONE car to be listed on the permit; 


  • A $20 permit fee (payable at the time of purchase, not registration); 


  • Confirmation that all outstanding student fees (including this year’s registration fee) and fines have been paid in full. This means your student account must have a balance of zero. 


  • Confirmation that all outstanding parking tickets have been paid in full


Ineligible Students 

Sophomore students are not eligible for parking permits. Sophomores parking on campus will result in a $20 parking fine and loss of eligibility for the following year's Junior permit lottery. 


Junior or Senior students who will not have a driver’s license issued by August 23, 2024 or who have a birthday afterward can register for a parking permit via the Lottery and receive a UID. Once they receive a valid driver’s license, these students can bring their driver’s license information to the Main Office, at which time their UID will be verified and they will be eligible to purchase a permit when and if unsold permits become available. Although permits will not be reserved for these students, their position on the list will be preserved for subsequent permit releases as they occur. 


Thank you for your attention and understanding in this matter. If you have any questions refer to the FAQ (below) before calling the Main Office at (801) 256-5100. 



Bingham High School Administration


Q: My sibling also attends Bingham, but on a different schedule – can we both get a parking permit?

A: Sr’s – Yes, Jr’s - Lottery – Sophomores - No


Q: I have access to more than one car, can I get a permit for all the cars I might drive to school? 

A: Sr’s – Yes, Jr’s - Lottery – Sophomores - No


Q: I got a parking permit last year, but frequently found that there were no more spaces left when I arrived at school! Why is that?

A: Students' schedules vary and not all students have a full, 8-class schedule (ie: JATC, Work-release, etc). Therefore, more permits are issued than there are spaces. If there are no spaces available, you will need to find parking off campus. Parking illegally will result in a fine, regardless of your permit. Remember that parking is a privilege, not a right. A permit does not guarantee a space.


Q: I am a Junior/Senior but will not turn 16 and get a license before August 23, 2024. What should I do? 

A: Juniors/Seniors who will not have a valid license before August 23, 2024 can register for the lottery using a valid learner’s permit. If your UID is selected, your position will be preserved and you can purchase a permit after you receive your license and if one becomes available.  


Q:  I am a Senior, I have a license, but I won’t have a car before August 09. What can I do?

A:  You can purchase a permit during the Senior-Only Window, but the permit will be held at the Main Office until you can provide valid registration for the car you intend to drive. 


Q: I received a permit, but decided to carpool with some friends instead. Can I give/sell my permit to my sibling/friend? 

A: Permits are non-transferrable under any circumstance, and are unique to each driver and vehicle. Parking permits are registered to the vehicle listed in the parking permit application. A fine of $20 is issued for using another student’s parking permit and loss of parking privilege on BHS campus for the remainder of the school year.  


Q: I have a UID that was selected, but I won’t be in town by the deadline to purchase my permit.  What can I do?   

A:  Please call the Main Office at (801) 256-5100 BEFORE August 23 to make arrangements. Friends CANNOT pick up permits for friends. Parents may purchase a permit, and the student may pick up the permit at a later date with a valid ID. 


Q:  Help! I didn’t get a permit! What can I do????

A:  A handful of new permits are issued throughout the year as they become available, so don’t give up. And remember, you have 850 fellow friendly students, many of which would be happy to carpool with you!