Bingham High School Sterling Scholars
A Sterling Scholar is a high school senior who is publicly recognized and awarded for his or her pursuit of excellence in scholarship, leadership and citizenship in the State of Utah. A potential Sterling Scholar presents an all-encompassing portfolio on his or her work in a specific category and during the later stages of the competition is interviewed by judges in the category’s field. Sterling Scholars are awarded at the high school, regional, and state levels. During the awards ceremony at the school and state level the finalists are announced.
It is time once again to choose Bingham’s Sterling Scholars. Seniors—official application forms are now available online. Seniors may apply to be a Sterling Scholar in any of 14 categories (one application per category). Winners will be announced at the Sterling Scholar Assembly (December). Finalists will go on to participate in the state Sterling Scholar competition in February.
Categories include:
English; Mathematics; Social Sciences; Science; World Languages; Computer Technology; Skilled and Technical Sciences Education; Family and Consumer Science; Business and Marketing Education; Speech, Theater and Forensics; Vocal Performance; Visual Arts; Instrumental Music; Dance
It is important to remember that all Bingham finalists are judged at the state using the following formula: 50% is calculated by their scholastic ability (general academic achievement as well as a more specific analysis of their academic achievements in her or his category), 25% of her or his score is determined by their leadership, and the remaining 25% for her or his citizenship and service to her or his school and community.
All student applications need to be returned to Mr. Barton on, or before, October 1 by 2:45. If you have any questions about the Sterling Scholar competition, please contact Mr. Barton
2024 Timeline will be as follows:
Aug 27– Application forms are available to students online (below) or in SS206
Oct 01– Application turned in to Mr. Barton--attach your first quarter (senior year) classes AND your unofficial transcript
Oct 31– Semi-Finalists posted at noon (online and SS206)
Nov 26– Orientation for all finalists-7 AM in Mr Barton's room (SS206)
Dec 02 -- Soundcheck for all assembly nominee performers (Music, Speech, Dance)
Dec 03 – Sterling Scholar Assembly--winners announced to participants and student body
Dec 05 – Orientation for School Sterling Scholars-7 AM in Mr Barton's room (SS206)
Sterling Scholar Finalists will need to
Jan – Complete Sterling Scholar Portfolio
Feb – Regional Interviews (by invitation)
Mar – State Awards Ceremony
May 22 – Underclassman Orientation