School Community Council
The Utah State Legislature passed a law in 2000 requiring every public school in the state to establish a School Community Council at the school-site level (Utah Code Section 53A-1a-108). Two years later the legislature passed a second bill mandating several changes in the duties, powers, and membership of the School Community Councils in Utah. This law took effect July 1, 2002. In accordance with state law, "Each public school, in consultation with its local school board, shall establish a school community council at the school building level."
Parents are invited to serve on BHS's School Community Council. To become a member of the council, please pick up the “SCC Candidate Application Form” from Bingham High School's main office. Completed Candidate Forms must be received in the Main Office before 3:00 PM on Monday, August 25, 2024. We meet four times a year, roughly once a quarter. Decision-making and plan approval require a majority vote from a quorum of Council members. In order to ensure that a quorum is available at each meeting, it is imperative that all Council members attend and actively participate in each of the four meetings throughout the school year.
For additional information, please contact Art Erickson, Assistant Principal, at 801-256-5149 or [email protected]
Bingham High School Administration
- 2015-2016 SCC Documents
- 2013 November 14 Meeting Minutes.docx
- 2013 October 3 Meeting Minutes.docx
- 2013-2014 School Plan Final Report.pdf
- 2014 April 10 Meeting Minutes.docx
- 2014 February 20 Meeting Minutes.docx
- 2014 November 13 Agenda.docx
- 2014 November 13 Meeting Minutes.docx
- 2014 September 25 Agenda.docx
- 2014 September 25 Meeting Minutes.docx
- 2014-2015 SCC Members _ Meeting Schedule.docx
- 2014-2015 School Plan.pdf
- 2015 April 10 Agenda.docx
- 2015 April 10 Meeting Minutes 2_0 _PROPOSED_.docx
- 2015 February 19 Agenda.docx
- 2015 February 19 Meeting Minutes.docx
- 2015 May 26 Agenda.docx
- Rules of Order.docx
- SCC Budget Report Feb 20_ 2014.docx
- SCC Candidate Form.docx
- School Community Council Members 2013-2014.docx
USBE Land Trust Final Reports
Click HERE to view the current year and previous year reports